Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

Where We Can Find “Jogja”

Yogyakarta is a lovely city since I was a child until today, though a life atmosphere of this city has already changed a lot and made me disappointed. Less public transportation in line with more hotel and department store’s projects are two reasons  why this lovely city no more comfort to live in, for some people, especially the natives. I still call it lovely for sure, but it’s not the best place in my live-longer list, actually.  
However, instead of talking about my disappointment related to Jogja, I’d prefer talking about some good places to attend either to have a me-time or group discussion. I love being a part of crowd, but not on traffic jam, Slank’s concert, nor Malioboro in peak season of holiday. Here I tell about my 3 favorite places to hold a personal or grouping time (or a small reunion) to enjoy Yogyakarta.


Pada suatu sore di Stasiun Bogor yang ruwet, becek, dan bising, saya turun dari sebuah angkot bersama seorang laki-laki. Walaupun tadinya di dalam angkot saya pesan untuk diturunkan di stasiun ke supir angkot, malah laki-laki ini yang akhirnya memberitahu saya untuk turun dari angkot karena sudah sampai di depan stasiun. Laki-laki ini berbadan tegap dengan garis-garis wajah yang tegas dan kulit terbakar sinar matahari, agak sangar kalau buat saya.